Leonardo da Vinci built : Leonardo da Vinci built a Robotic Knight in 1495 #daVinci #LeonardodaVinci #RoboticKnight #Italy #Science #Technology #Robotics #History #WeirdHistoryFacts
Ching Shih was a : Ching Shih was a #Chinese #prostitute turned pirate that commandeer the famous Red Flag Fleet. #China #Pirate #Woman #RedFlagFleet #ChingShih #History #WeirdHistoryFacts
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Regan Vest in Rold : Regan Vest in Rold Forest. During the Cold War, a bunker was built in secrecy underneath Rold Forest in the southern part of North Jutland.
Located deep in Rold : Located deep in Rold Forest in Northern Jutland, the new Danish Cold War Museum has been designed to convey the story of one of Denmarks best kept secrets - the Cold War bunker REGAN Vest that was secretly built in the 1960s during the Cold War to house the government and monarch in case of a nuclear war. For more than four decades the underground bunker was kept a state secret
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